Horizon Series, by contemporary Colombian artist Santiago Montoya.

Work of art ''Horizon'' by artist Santiago Montoya.

Work of art ”Horizon” by contemporary Colombian artist Santiago Montoya. To describe the pieces, Justine Ludwig said ”The Horizon series really appears as paintings from a distance and in your studio space you have all the bills lined up by color as if they were part of a painting pallet. These pieces seem to function as a bridge between your paintings on canvas and the other works made out of currency”.
And Santiago about the series said: ”I think if I have been able to accomplish something, however big or small, the Horizon series has been it.”

Santiago is making us look at the aesthetic and the material aspects of money. He realizes the bills are the only material necessary to create a story, he starts to drive his exploration of the bill even further towards the ultimate consequence—to the point of physical obliteration. He started by questioning the political and he has ended up focusing on the economic system itself. A spot-on satire of the nature of art and financial power, Montoya has opted to unearth the largely anti-humanistic values hiding behind its richest, shiniest, artiest effects.